Compila il velocissimo form di candidatura qui a lato e, se ce l’hai, allega il tuo curriculum e una tua foto e ti valuteremo. Puoi anche contattarci con Whatsapp direttamente, cliccando nel bottone verde. Ti risponderemo in tempi brevissimi!
Se vieni invitato ai colloqui, che si chiamano ProLab, sei a buon punto! Il ProLab è uno stage, della durata di tre giorni, che può essere on-line o dal vivo, insieme agli altri candidati, dove verrai valutato e inquadrato nel tuo ruolo ideale per garantirti la migliore esperienza lavorativa possibile. Se sei alla prima esperienza, il ProLab è anche una formazione di base.
Superato positivamente il ProLab, verrai contattato per la proposta lavorativa e il contratto di lavoro, per il periodo di tempo da te indicato, con tutte le informazioni per la partenza. A quel punto ti devi solo organizzare, fare i bagagli e andare a lavorare il giorno stabilito!
Fill in the simple application form below and, if you have it, attach your resume and a photo of you and we will evaluate you.
You can also contact us with Whatsapp directly by clicking on the green button.
We will reply in a very short time!
After the telephone evaluation you will be invited to the job interview, which is called ProLab.
The ProLab is a three-day internship that can be online or live, together with the other candidates, where
you will be evaluated and placed in your ideal role to guarantee you the best possible work experience.
If you are at the first experience, the ProLab is also a basic training
Having successfully passed the ProLab, you will be contacted for the job offer and the employment contract for the period of time indicated by you, with all the information for departure.
At this point you just have to organize yourself, pack your bags and go to work on the appointed day!
Fill in the simple application form below and, if you have it, attach your resume and a photo of you
and we will evaluate you.
You can also contact us with Whatsapp directly by clicking on the green button.
We will reply in a very short time!
After the telephone evaluation you will be invited to the job interview, which is called ProLab.
The ProLab is a three-day internship that can be online or live, together with the other candidates, where
you will be evaluated and placed in your ideal role to guarantee you the best possible work experience.
If you are at the first experience, the ProLab is also a basic training
Having successfully passed the ProLab, you will be contacted for the job offer and the employment contract for the period of time indicated by you, with all the information for departure.
At this point you just have to organize yourself, pack your bags and go to work on the appointed day!
Via Tevere, 28 – 47041 Cattolica
Iva 01418820526
HR t. 351.5902291
Administration t. 342.5605959
Via Tevere, 28 – 47041 Cattolica
Iva 01418820526
HR t. 351.5902291
Administration t. 342.5605959